
Is Quick-Fix Weight Loss for parties possible ?

Whenever you are invited to parties or functions, you will automatically start thinking about your appearance.. Guys think about their tummy (paunch) and Girls think about their weight, face, skin and dark circles.. They will need a quick fix to appear slightly thin in business or ethnic attires during celebrations.. There is nothing wrong in this.. Makeovers make a man fulfilled.. Of course, attitude carries the rest..

I can suggest you a plan to reduce weight quickly for attending parties.. A temporary weight loss plan..This plan can be adapted for just two weeks.. After that, continuing the same will make you malnourished.. Never ever extend a quick fix solution for a long time and never think about a permanent weight loss with it.. Men can lose about 4-6 pounds in two weeks and Women can aim for losing 3-5 pounds.. And it will show more in inches.. It will give a good skin glow and you will appear so bright.. Your stamina will not be lost much, unless you continue this diet plan for a long time..

  • In all these days, we can avoid coffee, tea, sweets and fatty foods.. 
  • You must drink 3-4 liters of water (mostly hot water).. 
  • You must drink 2 Green Teas a day..
  • You must have 8 hours sleep.. Sleep is must.. In case you can't sleep well, better don't think about weight loss.. It will result in a severe brain damage..
  • Never continue this after 14 days
  • Never try this kind of diet when your health is not in a good condition

How the 14 days should be split up ?

1Detoxification Diet100 Calorie Burning Aerobics
2Detoxification Diet100 Calorie Burning Aerobics
3Detoxification Diet150 Calorie Burning Aerobics
4Detoxification Diet
5Paleolithic Diet10 Suryanamaskar and Meditation
6Paleolithic Diet10 Suryanamaskar and Meditation
81400 Calorie Diet
81400 Calorie Diet200 Calorie Burning Aerobics
91400 Calorie Diet200 Calorie Burning Aerobics
10Protein Diet100 Calorie Burning Aerobics
11Protein Diet100 Calorie Burning Aerobics
12Detoxification Diet
13Paleolithic Diet10 Suryanamaskar and Meditation
141400 Calorie Diet200 Calorie Burning Aerobics

Detoxification DietCooler or Fruit Juices for Breakfast, Brunch..
Vegetable Salad with Wheat Bread/ Chapatis for Lunch..
Soups for Evening Snack..
Fruit Salad or Bread Sandwich for Dinner..
Paleolithic DietCooler or Fruit Juices for Breakfast, Brunch..
Vegetable Salad and Soup for Lunch..
Soups for Evening Snack..
Fruit Salad or Bread Veg Sandwich for Dinner..
1400 Calorie Dietyour regular food .. but 2/3 of regular quantity..
Protein Dietyour regular food .. but 2/3 of regular quantity.. Include more Protein..

This way of alterations in the diet and exercise plan, makes you to lose more weight rapidly.. Water retention weight will go off.. Extra fat will go off.. You skin will start glowing.. If you continue this beyond 2/3 weeks, it will result in muscle loss.. Muscle loss is never never acceptable..

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