
What to eat - Day 3 and Day 4 of GM Diet at Workplace

This section is exclusively for those who work. They need to carry nearly 4 boxes to their office. I will list out the things you need to carry. This list will be helpful to be in diet, in the middle of your working schedule. You can take it as an outline and prepare as per your interest.

Day 3
  • Breakfast - You will have at your home
  • Mid-Morning - You should carry a large bowl of wonder soup.
  • Lunch - You need to take a box full of subway style veggies and sweet onion sauce separately
  • Evening - Carry Pomegranate Salad in a box. Leave two or three teaspoons of it, if you happen to stay in office for a long time.
  • Dinner - It is an option to carry vegetable salad with separate onion sauce in tiff-in box, if you have calls or meetings after 7 pm
So, carry three boxes. One large bowl of Wonder soup, Vegetable Salad and Pome-Orange Salad. Another Veggie Salad also in case of long stays. Carry Sweet Onion Sauce separately.

Day 4
  • Breakfast - You will have at your home
  • Mid-Morning - You should carry a large bowl of wonder soup. You have to drink it as two portions. One as morning snack and other in the evening
  • Lunch - You need to take a box with cut bananas. Chop some almonds and keep it in a zip lock cover. Combine them at time of lunch.
  • Mid Afternoon - A small cup of badam drink with closed lid.
  • Evening - Remaining wonder soup from morning as evening snack
  • Dinner - If you stay late, you can take some skimmed milk from office canteen. No need to carry and all. After coming back to home, have one or two bananas.
So, carry three boxes. Cut bananas, Wonder Soup and Badam Drink. Another Carry chopped almonds in a separate zip lock cover.

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